Mission, Vision and Values
The mission of PROGRAD is to promote basic and undergraduate education, providing students with broad conditions to exercise their citizenship and professional activities, in compliance with the Brazilian National Education Law (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação) and the Institutional Educational Project.
To ensure teaching excellence at the basic and undergraduate education levels.
In conformity with the principles of pluralism of ideas, respect to cultural and academic differences, freedom of creation and decision, and healthy human relationships, the Prorectorate for Undergraduate Studies and Basic Education is guided by the following values:
- Democratic and quality teaching as it considers the participation of each program’s council in the development of policies to improve undergraduate programs based on assessment indicators;
- Innovative distance and classroom teaching as it considers the use of new technologies, the flexibility in the design of educational projects, the regulation of distance education, the expansion of internship opportunities, the qualification of faculty, among other actions;
- Updating of educational projects as it considers the need of updating educational projects, in conformity with the national curriculum guidelines and the Institutional Educational Project;
- Adoption of mechanisms for inclusion as it considers the legal and institutional mechanisms for inclusion and access to basic and higher education, through affirmative action, of students coming from public schools and of black, indigenous, quilombola, deaf students and those with other disabilities; not to mention the initial and continuing education of public school teachers;
- Consolidation of quality education at basic and higher levels as it considers the actions for qualification and expansion of faculty and staff, the infrastructure improvement, the exchange of students between UFSC and other national or international institutions, the interaction with graduate programs, the participation of students in research and outreach projects, internships and student tutoring, among others.